गरोदरपणात सूक्ष्म पोषक अतिरिक्त आवश्यकता (महत्त्वपूर्ण पदार्थ): घटक शोधणे

कमी प्रमाणात असलेले घटक whose requirements are increased during gravidity include लोखंड, आयोडीन, तांबे, सेलेनियम आणि झिंक. या व्यतिरिक्त कमी प्रमाणात असलेले घटक, pregnant women should also pay attention to an adequate dietary intake of chromium, fluorine, मॅगनीझ धातू, मोलिब्डेनम, तसेच कथील. याची रोजची गरज कमी प्रमाणात असलेले घटक दरम्यान वाढलेली नाही गर्भधारणा. Nevertheless, they must not be missing in a balanced and adequate आहार, as micronutrients (vital substances) are also of important significance for the growth and development of the child and the आरोग्य and vitality of the mother [2.2. ].The intake of these trace elements ultimately serves to ensure reserves, with fluorine in particular providing दात किंवा हाडे यांची झीज and periodontosis prophylaxis. The intake of 1 milligram of फ्लोराईड per day is recommended during गर्भधारणा [2.2]. Intake values for the daily requirement of pregnant women (based on DGE):

कमी प्रमाणात असलेले घटक डोस
Chromium 30-100 .g
लोह 30 मिग्रॅ
फ्लोरिन 3.3 मिग्रॅ
आयोडीन * 230 μg
तांबे 1.0-1.5 मिलीग्राम
मँगेनिझ 2.0-5.0 मिलीग्राम
मोलिब्डेनम 50-100 .g
सेलेनियम 60 μg
कथील 3.6 मिग्रॅ
Zinc* * 9.0-11 मिलीग्राम

* Supplementation of 150 µg/day required* * Pregnant: 1st trimester (third trimester) or 2nd and 3rd trimestersDGE: German Society for Nutrition e. V.


Function of iron

  • हेमोग्लोबिन, मायोग्लोबिन, सायटोक्रोम - प्रथिने कमकुवत विद्राव्य असूनही जीवनासाठी जैव उपलब्ध असणे बंधनकारक आहे.
  • Occurrence as heme लोखंड and non-heme iron.

Hemiron compounds – 2-valent लोखंड.

  • Iron is as a component of hemoglobin is responsible for oxygen transport
  • मायोगोग्लोबिनचा एक घटक म्हणून लोह ऑक्सिजनच्या निर्मिती आणि संचयनास हातभार लावतो
  • Iron as a component of cytochromes is important for electron transport of the respiratory chain

Sources: Occurrence in predominantly animal foods – meat products, यकृत आणि मासे.

Non-heme iron compounds – trivalent iron.

  • अँटीऑक्सिडंट प्रभाव
  • ऑक्सिजन हस्तांतरण
  • डिटॉक्सिफिकेशन प्रक्रिया
  • मिटोकॉन्ड्रियामध्ये एन-हेम लोह प्रथिने उर्जा उत्पादनात भाग घेतल्यामुळे ऊर्जा उत्पादन होते
  • हार्मोन्स आणि न्यूरोट्रांसमीटरचे उत्पादन
  • कोलेजेन संश्लेषण, कारण हाड, कूर्चा आणि संयोजी ऊतकांच्या पुनरुत्पादनासाठी लोह आवश्यक आहे
  • हस्तांतरण लोहाचे कॅरियर प्रोटीन फ्री रॅडिकल्स आणि लिपिड पेरोक्सिडेशनद्वारे होणार्‍या नुकसानापासून संरक्षण करते, एथेरोस्क्लेरोसिसपासून संरक्षण करते (आर्टिरिओस्क्लेरोसिस, रक्तवाहिन्या कडक होणे)

Sources: Occurrence in predominantly plant foods – fruits, vegetables and cereals, lentils, white beans, wheat flour, अजमोदा (ओवा), whole grain and soy products, brewer’s yeast Hemiron has better जैवउपलब्धता than non-heme iron at 15-35% because it is highly soluble at the pH values that prevail in the छोटे आतडे Only in animal foods – beef, pork, turkey, यकृत, and fish – is some iron present as heme iron, which increases the जैवउपलब्धता of iron. In addition, the iron content in meat is relatively high.By eating meat and plant foods at the same time, the शोषण वनस्पती पासून नॉन-हेम लोह दर आहार can be doubled. This is due to the low molecular weight complexing agents contained in meat, including animal प्रथिने, which are of higher quality than plant proteins due to the high number of valuable अमिनो आम्ल आणि अशा प्रकारे अनुकूलता शोषण of iron. In a meat-free आहार, therefore, more iron must be ingested to meet the demand [4.2. ].The शोषण of iron from food is further increased by gastroferrin – secretion of the gastric श्लेष्मल त्वचा, व्हिटॅमिन सी, आंबवलेले पदार्थ, पॉलीऑक्सीकार्बॉक्झिलिक .सिडस् फळे आणि भाज्या आणि इतर सेंद्रिय idsसिडमध्ये - लिंबाच्या रसामध्ये सापडणारे आम्ल. These substances form a highly soluble complex with iron. In contrast, the जैवउपलब्धता of non-heme iron from plant foods is much lower. The iron from plant sources is rarely absorbed more than 5%.Plant foods with a high iron content are mainly whole grains, legumes, some vegetables, brewer’s yeast and अजमोदा (ओवा). The bioavailability of non-heme plant iron can be significantly increased by offering व्हिटॅमिन सी at the same time. 75 milligrams of व्हिटॅमिन सी, for example in 150 grams of spinach or kohlrabi, increase the bioavailability of non-heme iron by a factor of 3 to 4, since vitamin C can reduce trivalent iron to the more absorbable bivalent iron.Phytic acid (phytates) in cereals, कॉर्न, rice, and whole grain and soy products, टॅनिन in कॉफी आणि चहा, पॉलीफेनॉल in काळी चहाआणि कॅल्शियम in दूध and milk products have a strong inhibitory effect on iron absorption. These substances form a non-absorbable complex with iron and therefore block its absorption. The iron requirement is very high during गर्भधारणा due to the additional iron demand of the गर्भ, the rapid tissue proliferation and the increase in रक्त formation and should be covered by a balanced and varied diet. It is therefore recommended that iron-rich plant foods, such as whole grain cereals or certain vegetables – broccoli, peas and others – be consumed in combination with animal products to double the rate of absorption of non-heme iron from plant foods. Pregnant women with little or no meat consumption due to vegetarian, vegan, or macrobiotic diets need to pay particular attention to their iron intake to meet their needs. By determining हस्तांतरण आणि फेरीटिन levels, respectively, it is possible to monitor adequate iron intake. By determining the फेरीटिन serum level, it is possible to control an adequate iron intake. फेरीटिन is an endogenous carrier protein of iron, the concentrations of which shift as a result of altered estrogen metabolismuś. If low ferritin values can be detected, the body has only low iron concentrations in the रक्त (लोह कमतरता or iron resorption disorder) [2.2. ].Note!Iron is better absorbed by the body if you take a food containing vitamin C – such as orange juice – with it; tea and कॉफी, on the other hand, inhibit the absorption of iron. Iron is also discussed as a prooxidant in connection with the development of cardiovascular diseases – such as हृद्य रक्तवाहिन्यांचा विकार परिणामी ए हृदय attack – and neurodegenerative diseases – such as अल्झायमरचा रोग or पार्किन्सन रोग - आणि एक प्रवर्तक म्हणून कर्करोग. अंतर्निहित यंत्रणा असे मानले जाते की लोह ऑक्सिडेटिव्हला प्रोत्साहन देते ताण सायटोटॉक्सिकच्या निर्मितीमध्ये त्याच्या मुख्य अनुप्रेरक कार्याद्वारे ऑक्सिजन and hydroxyl radicals, for example in the course of Fenton and Haber-Weiss reactions.Individuals suffering from रक्तस्राव – “iron storage disease” – for example, have an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. In addition, a study from the USA showed that an elevated serum iron level is associated with an increased risk of कर्करोग.Caution!Before iron substitution उपचार, it is always necessary to determine the serum ferritin level.Only if a pathological finding is proven, iron उपचार may be initiated by the doctor!No food परिशिष्ट – except for pregnant women and nursing mothers – should therefore contain iron in the interests of consumer protection.


Function of iodine

  • The most important function is the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolic activity
  • अँटिऑक्सिडेंट प्रभाव, मुक्त रॅडिकल्सचा स्कॅव्हेंजर.
  • विशिष्ट रोगप्रतिकार कार्यांवर सक्रिय प्रभाव
  • Prevents inflammatory-degenerative diseases

Sources: Good sources of आयोडीन आहेत समुद्री पाणी products, such as raw fish – sushi, sea fish -, seafood and sea tank; iodine-rich mineral waters, दूध, अंडी if the supplying animals are fed appropriately, and foods fortified with iodized salt Pregnancy places a significant additional functional burden on the mother’s कंठग्रंथी. To meet the increased demand associated with an increased basal metabolic rate during pregnancy, the कंठग्रंथी must produce increased amounts of thyroid हार्मोन्स. In addition, as a result of the increased filtration rate of the मूत्रपिंड during pregnancy, there is an increased excretion of आयोडीन in the urine, which worsens the iodine supply to the कंठग्रंथी. As a result, iodine losses must be compensated for by targeted additional iodine intake [2.2].Women during pregnancy who follow a vegan or macrobiotic diet or do not use iodized table salt when preparing their food are at high risk of insufficient iodine supply. The thyroid function of the mother and especially the development of the fetuś are at considerable risk under such circumstances Even a mild आयोडीनची कमतरता has an unfavorable effect on the मेंदू development of the child. In this context, an adequate iodine supply is crucial for cognitive development, especially in the first trimester (third trimester of pregnancy). Therefore, an additional iodine intake is recommended for all pregnant women. This also applies to women with autoimmune thyroid diseases such as हाशिमोटो थायरोडायटीस or गंभीर आजार in remission (temporary or permanent reduction of disease symptoms, but without achieving recovery). In addition, the iodine supply in Germany is insufficient, which makes iodine substitution of the mother during pregnancy as also necessary. With the help of a prophylactic iodine supplementation a healthy development as well as an undisturbed growth of the child can be ensured.The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) recommends for food supplementation not to exceed the maximum value of 100 µg iodine per day.Exception: The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment recommends 100-150 µg iodine per day in tablet form for pregnant and nursing women. Note: Less than 150 µg of iodine per day per day increases the risk of preeclampsia and fetal growth retardation:

  • At 75 µg of iodine per day, the risk of प्रीक्लेम्पसिया (EPH-gestosis किंवा प्रथिनेक उच्च रक्तदाब/pregnancy hypertension) increased by 14% compared with the reference group (100 µg daily); at 50 µg, by 40%.
  • Preterm birth also occurred more frequently among (adjusted odds ratio, aOR: 1.10 and 1.28, respectively).


Function of copper

  • विविध एंजाइमचे घटक
  • अँटिऑक्सिडेंट परिणाम, detoxification फ्री रॅडिकल, इम्युनोस्टिमुलंट, अँटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी.
  • एंडोजेनसचा महत्त्वाचा घटक अँटिऑक्सिडेंट सेल संरक्षण पेशी आवरण, पेशींच्या वाढीस प्रोत्साहन देते.
  • लोह शोषण प्रोत्साहन देते
  • श्वसन शृंखलाचा घटक, सेल्युलर ऑक्सिजन वापर, ऊर्जा उत्पादनासाठी काम करते.
  • अमीनो idsसिडस् संरक्षण
  • मेलेनिन आणि संयोजी ऊतक संश्लेषण

Sources: Rich in तांबे are offal, fish, cereal products, shellfish, नट, चॉकलेट, कोकाआ, कॉफी, tea and green vegetables Important note!The data available for the Federal Republic of Germany on the intake of तांबे indicate that in otherwise healthy individuals is not expected to have an insufficient supply of the trace element copper (supply category 3). The addition of copper to अन्न पूरक म्हणून शिफारस केलेली नाही. याव्यतिरिक्त, यूएसएच्या अभ्यासानुसार एलिव्हेटेड सीरम कॉपरची पातळी वाढत्या जोखमीशी संबंधित आहे कर्करोग. Copper is found in the diet in cereal products, offal (यकृत and kidneys of ruminants may have particularly high copper levels), fish, shellfish, legumes, नट, कोकाआ, चॉकलेट, coffee, tea, and some green vegetables.


Function of selenium

  • मुख्य अँटिऑक्सिडेंट एंझाइम - ग्लूटाथिओन पेरोक्साइडसच्या क्रियाशीलतेत वाढ होण्याचे कारण.
  • ग्लूटाथिओन पेरोक्सिडॅसेसद्वारे अँटीऑक्सिडंट क्रिया शिल्लक ऑक्सिडेन्ट्स आणि जीवात अँटीऑक्सिडेंट्सचा.
  • प्रतिपिंडे उत्पादन सुलभ होतं
  • ग्लूटाथिओन पेरोक्साइडस हानिकारक हायड्रोजन आणि लिपिड पेरोक्साइड्सचे पाण्यात रूपांतर करण्यासाठी आणि ऑक्सिजन रॅडिकल्सचे उत्पादन रोखण्यासाठी जबाबदार आहेत
  • सेलेनियम थायरॉईडची सक्रियता आणि निष्क्रियतेवर परिणाम होतो हार्मोन्स मार्गे सेलेनियम-अवलंबून एन्झाईम्स - डीओडेसेस
  • ग्लूटाथिओन पेरोक्सीडासेसच्या माध्यमातून, सेलेनियम मॅक्रोमोलेक्यूलस - कार्बोहायड्रेट्स, प्रथिने, चरबी - तसेच सेल मेम्ब्रेन आणि घटकांचे संरक्षण करते, अँटीऑक्सीडेंट जीवनसत्त्वे ए, सी, ई आणि काही बी जीवनसत्त्वे एकत्र काम करतात.
  • काही सेलेनियम प्रथिने इम्यूनोमोडायलेटरी आणि पडदा स्थिर करणारे प्रभाव आहेत.
  • Forms with अवजड धातू जसे आघाडी, कॅडमियम आणि पारा poorly soluble and therefore difficult to absorb non-toxic selenite protein complexes.

स्रोत: सेलेनियमचे चांगले स्रोत म्हणजे समुद्री मासे, मूत्रपिंड, यकृत, लाल मांस, मासे, अंडी, शतावरी and lentils; the selenium content in cereals depends on the selenium content of the soil Pregnant women have no increased selenium requirements.However, if women eat a vegan diet during pregnancy, they will not reach sufficient selenium levels in our regions without substitution and are at high risk of deficiency. In particular, Germany, Switzerland and Austria are selenium deficient areas, as agricultural soils contain too little of the trace element due to fertilizers and acid rain, and animal feed is insufficiently enriched with selenium. Selenium is not needed for plant growth, making cultivated grain virtually selenium-free. Bioavailability is further reduced by अवजड धातू in the soil, with which selenium forms an insoluble complex. If selenium is substituted together with physiological doses of vitamin E and vitamin C, this increases the absorption rate


Function of ZincInvolved in many anabolic and catabolic enzyme reactions, either as a cofactor or as an essential protein component in enzymatic reactions, thus fulfilling functions such as.

Sources: Very rich in झिंक are oysters, wheat germ, muscle meat – beef, veal, pork, poultry; offal – liver, kidneys, हृदय; झिंक पातळी कमी आहे अंडी, दूध, cheese, fish, carrots, whole grain भाकरी, fruits, green vegetables, legumes and fats The bioavailability of zinc is significantly better from animal products compared to vegetable. For example, zinc absorption from beef is 3 to 4 times higher than from cereals. The reason for this is animal protein, which is of higher quality than plant protein and, as with iron, increases bioavailability. अमिनो आम्लजसे की हिस्टिडाइन, मेथोनिन and cystidine in protein, are low-molecular complexing agents, which explains the good absorption rate of animal protein. Animal protein also has a corresponding resorption-promoting effect with regard to zinc absorption from plant foods. Therefore, it is advisable to eat meat products combined with plant foods in one meal and not to completely avoid animal protein.Furthermore, the organo-zinc compounds found in animal foods – chelate, orotate, gluconate and protein hydrolysate – are better absorbed by the human organism than the inorganic zinc क्षार वनस्पती पदार्थांमध्ये आढळतात. याउलट, अत्यधिक कॅल्शियम, तांबे, लोखंड आणि फॉस्फेट अन्नधान्य, फायटिक acidसिड कॉर्न आणि तांदूळ, आहारातील फायबर आणि अवजड धातू reduce zinc absorption due to the non-absorbable complex formation [4.2. ].If pregnant women eat a predominantly शाकाहारी आहार, only about 10% of zinc is absorbed because the animal, high-quality protein is completely omitted. In this way, the risk of जस्त कमतरता increases [4.2. ].Zinc consumption is increased beginning in the second month of pregnancy and even more significantly thereafter due to rapid tissue proliferation – new placental tissue formation -, the increase in रक्त formation and the mother’s increased metabolic rate [316.Due to this, zinc substitution is necessary. However, the trace element should be supplied in the form of chelate, orotate, gluconate, and protein hydrolysate, as these have better bioavailability than inorganic जस्त सल्फेट. Taken on an empty stomach, zinc sulfate induces nausea in some people, and thus may exacerbate pregnancy-related nauseaTable – Need for trace elements

खनिजे आणि शोध काढूण घटक कमतरतेची लक्षणे - आईवर परिणाम कमतरतेची लक्षणे - अनुक्रमे गर्भावर किंवा अर्भकांवर परिणाम
लोह Fever around 38 °C occurring between the 2nd and 6th day after delivery as a result of bacterial infections of the uterus – puerperal fever causes

  • Rising fever
  • Pronounced pallor
  • Heart palpitations, accelerated heart rate
  • तीव्र थकवा सिंड्रोम (सीएफएस)
  • भूक न लागणे
  • थर्मोरेग्युलेशनचे विकार
  • वरच्या श्वसनमार्गाच्या संसर्गाची उच्च संवेदनाक्षमता
  • कोरडी त्वचा खाज सुटणे
  • कमी एकाग्रता आणि मानसिकता
  • वाढलेली दुधचा .सिड स्नायू संबंधित शारीरिक श्रम दरम्यान निर्मिती पेटके.
  • पर्यावरणीय विषाक्त पदार्थांचे शोषण वाढले
  • शरीराचे तापमान नियमन विचलित होऊ शकते
  • अशक्तपणा
Formation of maternal anemia with hemoglobin levels below 11 g/dL increases the risk for

  • Premature birth and miscarriage
  • Spontaneous abortions (miscarriages)
  • Deficiency developments
  • जन्मोत्तर वजन कमी
  • Increased infant mortality
  • Disruption of physical, mental and motor development
  • वर्तणूक विकार
  • एकाग्रतेचा अभाव, शिकण्याचे विकार
  • Disorders in child intelligence development
  • रोगप्रतिकारक यंत्रणेच्या कामकाजात अडचण
  • गर्भधारणा संबंधित सिस्टिटिस (मूत्राशय संसर्ग).
  • Instead of zinc, toxic कॅडमियम is integrated into the biological processes, which increases the formation of pregnancy gestosis – उच्च रक्तदाब, increased protein excretion, edema formation.
  • Prolongation of the birth process and promotion of birth complications.
  • Inhibition of cellular defenses leads to increased susceptibility to infection
  • जखमेच्या उपचार हा विकार आणि श्लेष्मल त्वचा बदल, जस्त ऊतक संश्लेषणासाठी जस्त आवश्यक आहे
  • केराटीनायझेशनची प्रवृत्ती वाढली
  • मुरुमांसारखी लक्षणे

चयापचय विकार, जसे की.

  • अन्नाचे प्रमाण वाढवूनही वजन कमी होणे
  • स्वादुपिंडामध्ये बीटा पेशींचा अयशस्वी होणे - प्रौढ-लागायच्या मधुमेह होण्याचा उच्च धोका
साठी वाढलेली जोखीम

  • प्लेसेंटल बिघाड
  • Premature birth and miscarriage
  • जन्मोत्तर वजन कमी

Low concentrations of zinc in plasma and leukocytes (white blood cells) cause

  • Fetal malformations and malformations especially of the central मज्जासंस्था.
  • Growth disturbances and retardation before and after birth with delayed sexual development
  • हायपरॅक्टिव्हिटी आणि शिक्षण अक्षमता
आयोडीन Thyroid gland, hypothalamus and pituitary gland attempt to compensate for iodine deficiency

  • थायरॉईड ग्रंथीची वाढीची वाढ (गोइटर).
  • संप्रेरक संश्लेषण वाढविण्यासाठी नवीन थायरॉईड फोलिकल्स तयार करणे.
  • Increased thyroid hormone synthesis partly to excess – hot nodes.
  • Narrowing of the trachea and esophagus due to continuous growth of the thyroid gland.
  • सेल विभाजन आणि थायरॉईड ग्रंथीच्या वाढीमुळे थायरॉईड नोड्यूल्सची निर्मिती.
  • पेशी विभागातील वाढीव बदलांमुळे अंतःस्रावी ग्रंथींमध्ये ट्यूमरचा विकास
आयोडीनची कमतरता कारणीभूत आहे

  • Failure of the fertilized egg to implant in the नाळ.
  • Abortions (miscarriages)
  • Miscarriages and stillbirths
  • विकृती
  • Increased perinatal and infant mortality.
  • थायरॉईड ग्रंथीची वाढीची वाढ (गोइटर).
  • Neurological cretinism in severe आयोडीनची कमतरता – mental defects, deaf-muteness, inner ear disorders, strabismus.

नवजात मुलांमध्ये, आयोडीनची कमतरता ठरतो.

  • काम चालू आहे
  • केंद्रीय विकास विकार - बहिरेपणा, भाषण विकार, मोटरची कमतरता समन्वय.
  • परिपक्वता तूट - कमतरता फुफ्फुस परिपक्वता
  • बुद्धिमत्ता कमी
  • शिक्षण आणि विकासात्मक अपंगत्व
  • वजन कमी होणे, आतड्यांमधील सुस्तपणा, अपचन.
  • मंदी, चिडचिड, निद्रानाश.
  • स्मरणशक्ती कमी होणे, एकाग्र होण्यात अडचण, डोकेदुखी
  • इम्यूनोडेफिशियन्सी
  • तीव्र थकवा सिंड्रोम (सीएफएस)
  • Thyroid dysfunction due to deficiency of selenium-dependent deiodases.
  • ग्लूटाथियोन पेरोक्साइड्सची कमी क्रियाकलाप पेरोक्साइड्स वाढवते आणि अशा प्रकारे मूलगामी निर्मिती आणि प्रो-इंफ्लेमेटरी प्रोस्टाग्लॅंडीन्सची वाढ वाढवते.
  • सांधे दुखी प्रो-इंफ्लॅमेटरी प्रक्रियेमुळे.
  • माइटोकॉन्ड्रियाची वाढलेली संवेदनशीलता

वाढलेली जोखीम

  • इम्यूनोडेफिशियन्सी
  • थायरॉईड बिघडलेले कार्य
  • मूलगामी निर्मिती वाढली
  • माइटोकॉन्ड्रियाची वाढलेली संवेदनशीलता
  • संक्रमण होण्याची शक्यता वाढली
  • व्हिटॅमिन ईची गरज वाढवते
  • न्यूरोलॉजिकल कमतरता
  • इलेस्टीन कमी कलम, व्हॅसोकॉनस्ट्रक्शन किंवा अडथळा, थ्रोम्बोसिस.
  • अशक्त रक्त निर्मितीमुळे अशक्तपणा
  • संक्रमण होण्याची शक्यता वाढली
  • Increased and LDL serum cholesterol levels
  • ग्लूकोज असहिष्णुता
  • केस आणि रंगद्रव्य विकार
  • बिघडलेल्या कोलेजन संश्लेषणामुळे ऑस्टिओपोरोसिस
  • गुळगुळीत स्नायू पेशींचा प्रसार
  • अशक्तपणा, थकवा
  • कॉपरची कमतरता शरीरातील लोहाच्या वापरामध्ये हस्तक्षेप करते
  • Anemia due to impaired blood formation leads to maturation disorders of leukocytes (white blood cells) and lack of immune cells in the blood
  • वारंवार श्वसन संक्रमण